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BPA Family Legacy 

The Robert B. Griffin Chapter would like to present our Vice President, Thomas Newman's family legacy in aviation.


Thomas Newman

"Since that first flight in 1991, I've logged over 4000 hours in the air, instructing for 2800 of them. Retirement from teaching in 2002 allowed me to fuse my passions: teaching and flying. I mentored my nephew Christian, sparking his aviation journey. He now holds numerous FAA certificates and works as a Corporate Pilot. In 2017, I assisted my cousin Joseph in his aviation pursuits. He's now a Second Officer with United Airlines. My grandson Ty soloed at 16 and earned his private pilot certificate, while my youngest grandson, William, soloed at 16 and is on his way to obtaining his private pilot license in November 2023. Being part of their aviation journeys fills my heart with immense joy. We're one family, spanning four generations of active pilots, all proudly associated with the Robert Griffin Chapter, BPA. Together, we believe in passing on the knowledge and paying it forward: 'Each one, teach one.'

-Thomas Newman (Robert B. Griffin Chapter, Vice President)

Thomas Newman Family legacy of Pilots

Christian Childs  (Nephew of Thomas Newman)- Corporate Pilot

Joseph Newman (Cousin of Thomas Newman)- United Airline second officer 

Kendall "Ty" Moore II (Thomas Newman Grandson) - Commercial Pilot

William McCluney (Grandson of Thomas Newman)- Private Pilot

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